“As a representative of Fort Hood, I’ve worked very closely with Army leadership to ensure our soldiers have the resources they need to be successful on and off the battlefield,” Carter said. “These barracks renovations will not only improve quality of life for our soldiers, but they will boost morale and improve readiness.”
Killeen Daily Herald
Aug. 27, 2018
KILLEEN — U.S. Rep. John Carter, R-Round Rock, addressed the Military Officers Association of America Central Texas Chapter during its monthly meeting Friday at the Shilo Inn in Killeen.
Carter, who is the chairman of the military construction and veterans affairs subcommittee on appropriations, highlighted two major areas of importance for Fort Hood soldiers — barracks and motor pools.
Earlier this year, Carter announced $33 million in funding for motor pool reconstruction at Fort Hood, stating that 43 percent of motor pools on post don’t meet the minimum standards for functionality.
“The motor pools aren’t designed to fit the types of military equipment Fort Hood has,” Carter said.
In April 2018, Carter also announced nearly $120 million of funding for 10 new barracks renovation projects at Fort Hood.
The barracks funding announcement came after Carter toured barracks renovation projects funded by fiscal year 2016 and 2017 allocations and called on the Army to fund additional projects in the FY 2018 budget.
“As a representative of Fort Hood, I’ve worked very closely with Army leadership to ensure our soldiers have the resources they need to be successful on and off the battlefield,” Carter said. “These barracks renovations will not only improve quality of life for our soldiers, but they will boost morale and improve readiness.”
The $120 million will go toward the renovation of 10 barracks buildings, totaling 746 barracks living spaces.
The barracks refurbishment, which is underway now, includes upgrades to electrical and plumbing systems, new ceilings and furniture. It also includes mold abatement.
Renovations to the four H-frame barracks on the 9200 block have an expected completion date of fall 2018.
Another project is under contract to renovate five Rolling Pin barracks in the 21000 and 41000 blocks, with an expected completion date of fall 2019.
“The upgrades are long overdue,” said Jerry Cremer, a retired Army officer and member of MOAA Central Texas. “This is a wise spending of money.”