I championed the Every Child Achieves Act which gives more education dollars to Texas’ state and local schools.
Texans know best what our schools need and require, which is exactly why Texans should be in control of our own education policies. The Every Student Succeeds Act gives control back to state and local government over our education system and empowers parents in the decision-making process, thereby reducing the federal footprint.
I am a strong advocate for career and technical education programs so that young people can get well-paying jobs without a four-year degree. I’m proud that Texas’ 31st Congressional District is a leader in CTE programs, and thousands of Central Texas students have benefited from the availability of these programs.
I supported the School Security Enhancement Act to give districts more resources to hire additional security officers and purchase security infrastructure to keep our kids safe.
I believe that education is one of the most important facets of our society. If you agree, sign your name below >>>